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All Natural Homemade Shampoo & Conditioner

Yesterday my sister and I ventured into making homemade shampoo and conditioner...not only did we have fun doing this DIY project, but we discovered that we REALLY enjoyed using it!

My hair feels awesome today! And I have pretty terrible dry color treated hair....and it feels great!

So here is what we did.....

1/3 Cup Dr. Bonner's Liquid Castile Soap (we used the Eucalyptus version, but baby mild or any other would work as well)
1 Tsp Coconut Oil (found with the other cooking oils, is a solid not liquid)
1/2 Tsp Avocado Oil (also found with cooking oils, and this IS a liquid)
20 drops essential oils of your choice (we did Tea Tree Oil because it is an antibacterial oil & Lavender because it smells pretty!---I probably put about 20-25 drops of tea tree oil because I really like it and it helps with dry scalp and can even help with psoriasis!)
Several Vitamin E Capsules (in vitamin section---pierce and squeeze into mixture)

Mix all of these together and pour into a container of your choice--such as a body wash bottle or empty shampoo bottle.  This recipe only makes enough for about 2-4 weeks depending upon how frequently you shampoo your hair.  You only need to use about a teaspoons worth on your hair.  So double or triple up if you want to make more at a time.

This will not suds and look as soapy as regular shampoo, but if you get past the "normal" that has been pounded into our heads and deal with the less sudsy feel---you will love it!

If you have trouble getting over the soapy sudsy part---you can get a Foaming soap dispenser (I buy the Big Y brand hand soap pumps for things and refill them with Abigails homemade body wash and may use one for my shampoo as well.

-When using the foaming dispenser, add 1/4 cup of distilled water to the ingredients

It's as simple as Apple Cider Vinegar

White vinegar is used as a fabric softener for your laundry---Apple Cider is used for Conditioner. It is an amazing detangler and is also really great for the scalp.

If you want to dilute it some use 1 cup of distilled water for every 2 tbsp of Cider Vinegar.  You can also add your favorite essential oils to mask the vinegary smell if you don't like it.  It does NOT leave your hair smelling like vinegar.

The best thing to do with this is fill a spray bottle and keep in the shower. Spritz your hair with it and then rinse and enjoy beautiful clean NATURAL CHEMICAL FREE HAIR!!!


Check out my other DIY projects!!

****UPDATE 6/18/12**** My sister commented on how she felt after about a week of using this shampoo that her hair was feeling very oily.  This could be from a couple things. Your shampoo to conditioner ratio could be off---be careful not to use too much vinegar. Or you might just not be using enough of the shampoo (although, you really only need a small amount--much less than you are probably used to with store bought shampoo)...and finally, the reason I think is the most common would be this:
The commercial shampoos that you purchase are so full of chemicals (can you pronounce ANY of the ingredients!?) that their number one goal is to strip your hair of all of its natural oils.  Using shampoo (store bought) on a daily basis as we grow up being taught, confuses the natural process that your hair should be going through. When the shampoo strips your hair of the natural oils, your body jumps into overdrive and begins making more oils to fix the problem. Hence the reason you probably cannot go longer than a couple days without washing your hair.  If we were not using all of these chemicals (like people were not doing just a few generations ago)...our bodies would be trained on producing the normal amounts of oils and your hair would not get oily---most likely not for days upon days, or even longer!  So when you switch to all natural homemade shampoo it may require some fortitude on your part...especially if you are the type of person with easily oily hair.  You may have to rough it for a week or two until your body realizes you have freed it from the chemical crap it's been getting hit with every day for your whole life.  Mine hasnt gotten greasy on me, but it feels "different".  I'm used to my hair being flat and boring and dead. Now it feels much thicker, but it did at first feel off to me. Just something different than what I was used to. I panicked that it was oily and thought about giving up on the shampoo...but my husband assured me it wasnt greasy at all and didnt smell bad or anything else. :)  What I think it actually is, is my hair getting healthier. I will still probably dye it myself...but I use amonia free dye.... and maybe I'll eventually get myself away from that....but even still, this is a big step in the right direction and I love it.  It's amazing how different your hair feels when it's not weighted down by chemicals and when it's allowed to do what it was made to do.   So anyways, that was just my update on the topic in case anyone starts to panic and wonder why their hair feels strange to them! :)


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