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Showing posts from June, 2012

All Natural Homemade Toothpaste

My latest adventure in DIY Naturals...Toothpaste. Now, this isn't my favorite tasting product ever...but generally, anything with baking soda isnt very yummy.  However, knowing that it is sooooo much better than the chemical crap in store bought toothpaste...helps it taste a little better. :)  Have you noticed how expensive toothpaste is getting? It can be well over $4.00 a tube.  And, if you buy organic or all natural toothpaste from the health food store, you're looking at closer to $10!  I spent $8 on a little tiny tube of tooth gel for Abigail because I didn't want her to ever use the regular store bought junk.   Did you know that Fluoride is poisonous to us?  The following information is pulled from a great article that you can  read here "Fluoride is a pollutant,  a by-product of copper, iron and aluminum manufacturing. The problem of how to legally dispose of fluoride was solved in the 1930's when a study (funded by on...

Homemade All Natural Disinfecting Cleaner

Ok- This is a super simple one, but I absolutely LOVE it so I figured I would post it for you! Ingredients for Homemade All Natural Disinfectant Spray Pull out one of your disinfectant sprays from under your kitchen sink....look at the ingredients...can you pronounce half of them?  Maybe you can...but do you know what they are? Here is what I found on Lysol All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner: Detergent/dispersant additive  Benzalkonium chloride  Alkyl (C12-C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride Does that sound something you really want to be using around your family? Well, for me it doesn't. I hate using chemicals. I hate being "stuck" having to use them because it's about all you can buy without spending an arm and a leg. Do you think 200 years ago people were using as many chemicals on a daily basis as we are? I don't think so. They were dependent on much more natural ingredients. Sure, if you are in a hospital and need things ster...

UPDATE 1: Using All Natural Homemade Shampoo

Ok-  So it has been just under 2 weeks since I began using my homemade all natural shampoo & conditioner.  If you didn't see the post on it click here   I knew that it would be challenging starting this process of not using commercialized "crap" in my hair.  After the first shampoo and even the second I thought my hair felt GREAT! I was psyched. I began telling everyone and their mother that they had to try it.  Then by day 4 or 5 I noticed my hair was looking "wet"....with my completely numb hands I was not actually sure if for some reason it was wet.  I had my husband feel it and he said it felt fine...but to me it was off.  By day 6 I looked like I had not washed my  hair in weeks.  It was pretty gross.  It was NOT actually dirty. I had been washing it daily with my homemade recipe...but it looked really really oily. Especially on the bottom.  I KNEW this was going to happen. I know WHY it happens...I thought I was prepared f...

Open Book.

  One of the speakers at my sister's high school graduation....the Valedictorian I believe... said something that has oddly enough stuck with me. It wasn't something profound or philosophical, just simple. He said something along the lines of it takes a strong person to admit that they don't know something.  It sounded a lot better than how I just explained it, but it really was just that simple. And I realized, it's true. It's easy to walk around and pretend you know something, or pretend you know what the outcome will be...but it is a lot harder to admit that you have absolutely no idea.  At least for me it's always been hard. I would probably dance circles around a topic for hours before admitting I had no clue. Well, here's something I have to admit. I HAVE NO CLUE!  None. I have no idea where this journey I am on is taking me. I have no idea where God intends for me to go. I have no idea what I want to do, or what I am meant to do. I have no...

Brain Mush.

First off, let me just say that this post is going to probably bore you to death, or confuse you...or make you think I am totally crazy. It is raw, unedited typing that has taken me almost three days to type because of my hands being so numb and typing being so it probably jumps around a lot and whatever else...but if you haven't given up on me yet...thanks for taking the time to read the post. So I guess it has been a while since I have really written anything about how things have been going... I've had quite a few changes over the last 6 months and it's been kind of hectic and I haven't found much time to just sit down and type.  I don't like to come across like a whiner or complainer I felt like unless I really had something worth saying, I should just keep quiet...but I'll give a quick run through on what's been going on and then eventually I'll get into what I wanted to write about today.   In December I closed up m...

All Natural Homemade Shampoo & Conditioner

Yesterday my sister and I ventured into making homemade shampoo and conditioner...not only did we have fun doing this DIY project, but we discovered that we REALLY enjoyed using it! My hair feels awesome today! And I have pretty terrible dry color treated hair....and it feels great! So here is what we did..... SHAMPOO Ingredients: 1/3 Cup Dr. Bonner's Liquid Castile Soap (we used the Eucalyptus version, but baby mild or any other would work as well) 1 Tsp Coconut Oil (found with the other cooking oils, is a solid not liquid) 1/2 Tsp Avocado Oil (also found with cooking oils, and this IS a liquid) 20 drops essential oils of your choice (we did Tea Tree Oil because it is an antibacterial oil & Lavender because it smells pretty!---I probably put about 20-25 drops of tea tree oil because I really like it and it helps with dry scalp and can even help with psoriasis!) Several Vitamin E Capsules (in vitamin section---pierce and squeeze into mixture) Mix all of these toge...