My latest adventure in DIY Naturals...Toothpaste. Now, this isn't my favorite tasting product ever...but generally, anything with baking soda isnt very yummy. However, knowing that it is sooooo much better than the chemical crap in store bought toothpaste...helps it taste a little better. :) Have you noticed how expensive toothpaste is getting? It can be well over $4.00 a tube. And, if you buy organic or all natural toothpaste from the health food store, you're looking at closer to $10! I spent $8 on a little tiny tube of tooth gel for Abigail because I didn't want her to ever use the regular store bought junk. Did you know that Fluoride is poisonous to us? The following information is pulled from a great article that you can read here "Fluoride is a pollutant, a by-product of copper, iron and aluminum manufacturing. The problem of how to legally dispose of fluoride was solved in the 1930's when a study (funded by on...

I'm a natural minded mama of two beautiful little girls and soon to be one little dude who likes to talk about all things baby & kid related (favorite products & gadgets, baby wearing, cosleeping, breastfeeding, homeschooling, etc.), natural & homeopathic remedies, favorite DIY recipes for natural products, dealing with MS...and everything in between!