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December 7th Update

Abigail at 8.5 Months
I know I've said this a million times, but I really can't get over how many wonderful friends/family/customers I have been blessed with. So again, to all of you I say "Thank you!". :) 
  I still have no feeling in my fingers. They are completely numb and tingly. At least it is not painful or completely debilitating. It is mostly just annoying and makes doing certain things more complicated, but it's an easier thing to learn to deal with. Hopefully it will come back eventually. Most people I have spoken to say that one day I may wake up and the feeling will be back! I also still have the tightness around my midsection...that is something I wish would go away it's pretty uncomfortable. But some days are better than others. The last two days have been pretty crappy weather-wise, dreary and rainy. A friend mentioned something about feeling weaker during rainy weather and I realized that perhaps that is what has been happening with me. The last few days I have felt in general kind of "crappy". Saturday I woke up feeling very dizzy and was pretty weak all day. And the last two days my leg has had slight weakness in it...nothing like during the exacerbation..but just enough that I remember it's not as strong as the left anymore.  And I have also had a splitting headache. Hopefully the weather clears up the rest of the week and I can start feeling better!
  I have been doing some reading the last week on MS...and am currently reading It's Not all in Your Head and Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis. It's pretty depressing when you get into some of this reading...perhaps I haven't read far enough to reach the positive portion of the books, but I had a couple days of feeling pretty down and had to take a break from the reading.  One of the sentences I read that really has stuck with me was "MS is essentially a progressive condition. It is uncommon for people with MS not to progress to disability over time" I know that the disease course is different for everyone and there are plenty of people who have had MS for 25+ years and are still moving about fine...but it takes a lot of willpower not to let yourself get down when you read something like that. It kind of makes it sink in a little more. Because while we all know that life doesn't go on forever and we are bound to be afflicted by one thing or another, it's a little scary when you know what that thing is, and it's just hanging over your head everyday waiting to rear it's ugly head. However, I said in the beginning and I'll say it again, I have MS, but MS does not have me! And I keep reminding myself that. I guess I am allowed a moment here and there to be angry at this whole deal, but I do realize it could be much worse, and there is so much research going on about MS that who knows where we will be in even 10 years let alone 25. 
  My Copaxone is due to arrive tomorrow and as nervous as I am about having to give myself an injection every single day, I am pretty excited to start the treatment!  The nurse comes out on Friday afternoon to show me how to do everything, so I am sure I will do a post shortly after letting you know how it went! It's weird going from the girl who hardly ever took a tylenol much less prescription meds, to the girl who keeps a case of needles in her refrigerator, but whatever I have to do to keep on kicking this in the face, I will do.
  I have also done quite a bit of research on Vitamin Supplements and have settled on a small army of pills that I have begun taking to hopefully help jumpstart my immune system and nervous system and keep them operating more along how they should. I've started taking 1000iu of Vitamin D which is great for many things, one of which is supporting immune system health and helping with autoimmune diseases. I am also taking Sublingual (under the tongue) Vitamin B-12. You have to take B-12 under the tongue to absorb it into your blood stream (or by patch or injection) because the body cannot absorb B-12 when it is taken orally and ingested.  B-12  may also be helpful for MS patients as this vitamin helps form the myelin sheath of neurons, the component of the nervous system that is attacked and destroyed by the immune system in MS. The third supplement I am taking is a Probiotic for gastrointestinal and immune health. And finally a fish oil supplement.  I'm hoping that these along with my Copaxone, a healthier diet and exercise will help keep me on the road to good and healthy for a loooong time!

  Now onto my favorite thing to talk about...Abigail! She has grown so much in the past month! She goes for a checkup in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait to find out how much she weighs now! She will be 9 months on the 15th. She is moving ALL over the place! Constantly pulling herself up on things, standing while holding the coffee table or a box, or whatever! She looks so darn cute because she is so tiny. When her favorite cartoons come on and they start singing the theme song she will get on her knees or stand up and stand bouncing up and down to the music. Freaking adorable! She's babbling all over the place and now completely knows the difference between mama and dada...and even calls me "mom mom" sometimes...and Kel swears he's heard a "daddy" a few times. She also shakes her head no when someone says no sometimes or when you are talking to her and ask her a question (whether she knows exactly what shes saying or not who knows!) and also shakes her head yes. When shes moving about the floor and you call her name, she turns to you and always says the same thing that really sounds like "hallo" lol And she is doing pretty well with waving bye-bye. She's a ball full of energy that keeps us smiling all day long! Even when we tell her no and she screams at us. lol  I think it won't be long before she decides to get up and just starts running! At this rate she will be walking before she even gets her first tooth! Which by the way I almost cannot wait for her to get! So many of her "friends" her age already have multiple teeth and she still has yet for one to make an appearance. Her hair on the other hand has been growing like a weed this month and her head is now pretty well covered with a nice fuzzy layer of blondeness. :)
  Well, I think that is all for now. Sorry to combine two topics into one post but so many people have been asking me about Abigail and I figure it was just easier to post her update here. 


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