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Showing posts from January, 2017

Dealing with a second trimester miscarriage, My Story.

Our third pregnancy... In August 2016, my husband and I decided we wanted our third (and final!) baby.  We did "research" on old wives tales and statistics and any kind of information we could locate about how to increase the likelihood of getting our baby boy. (Although in reality we never cared about the gender, we just thought it would be nice to end with a little boy) We read about things to eat...things not to eat...things to name it, we read about it.  We started preparing with ovulation testers.  Within a few days, I knew it had worked.  We waited a few weeks, and I took a pregnancy test.  It was positive. Soon after, at exactly seven weeks pregnant, the "morning sickness" started.  Which, let me tell you...Morning sickness is a phrase that really irritates me.  For me, it was NOT morning sickness. It was 24/7 non stop sickness.  Anything could send me running to the bathroom to hug the porcelain throne.  I was nauseated...