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Showing posts from January, 2013

Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent...

Also from my other blog.... Ok, I know, I know another blog about homemade laundry detergent.  It seems everywhere I turn someone is talking about it, writing about it, vlogging about what's all the hype? Well let's start with some of the reasons that I personally started looking into alternatives to conventional detergents.... 1. PRICE:  It is INSANELY expensive to purchase conventional laundry detergent these days.  I cannot even believe the racket that these manufacturers are creating.  It's just plain nuts.  Why should someone spend on average $16 per bottle of laundry detergent that does anywhere from 36-48 loads of laundry? I can't even remember a bottle of detergent lasting that long, so I don't know what the count is based on.  I probably had to buy a new 100oz bottle every month to month and a half. Photo Source 2. CHEMICALS:  This is the real monster in the closet and is the reason I want to spend the most time on. ...

The Dirty Little Secret about Deodorant...

So this post is from my other blog... .  I will duplicate some of the posts over to here...but please check that site out too if you are interested in reading my posts about natural products and creations! :) Source So Deodorant. We all know what it is...and I'd say probably 99% of us use it.  Why?  Well, originally it started off as a way to keep away the smell from sweating that was caused by dirt and bacteria.  But as times changed the newest and greatest thing was added to many deodorants..... ANTIPERSPIRANT. I am certain that the majority of people purchase their Antiperspirant Deodorants with out even giving a seconds thought to what they are putting on their body and what this product is actually doing to them. Let's take a look at the ingredients list on the back of a deodorant container... So the main ingredient I want to talk about just so happens to be the #1 Active Ingredient in an...

GET FIT with Old Navy Active Wear!

Hey, All Things Abigail readers! Melissa has graciously consented to letting me use her blog to review our recent venture to Old Navy, where we scored some free active wear, courtesy of Old Navy & Crowdtap : Two Sundays before Christmas is a DANGEROUS time to head to a major shopping complex, but the allure of free active wear was just too strong to resist. Melissa convinced me to pull my lazy butt out of bed early and we hit Old Navy about 30 minutes after the mall opened---perfect timing! Old Navy was pretty empty when we arrived and we had the dressing room to ourselves (always a bonus, with a toddler running around). The selection of styles and colors was pretty slim at our local Old Navy; most of the pants were black, and being New Englanders in mid-December, we both chose to bulk up our winter wardrobe by selecting a multi-tasking fleece jacket : Black is my wardrobe staple, and I swore I’d pick a “color” for this sample share....but, I wanted something I could get away wi...